Monday, June 13, 2011

RT One Week Anniversary & About Me

This is my 1 week anniversary for Blogging on Twittering @ffandfn. It has been fun getting all kinds of free stuff in the mail. I don’t fill out free-sample forms for things I know I won’t use or can give away. It’s funny, but they do make nice stocking stuffers for older children, who may not always have what they need. Or when older children come & visit and they need items and you have no $ on hand, just throw in a few freebies and it’s like you really giving them something. I think we all like to get stuff, even if it’s just something little, it’s the thought that count, right? I’d like to think so.

I have been unemployed for a little while, the job market is awful, and I just got my Master’s degree last August and have had one temp job as a receptionist and another temp job as a waitress. Sure, not going to pay off those student loans that way. So, I was thinking of ways to make some extra cash to pay those loans. So that is my intentions: to find a (real) job, and to blog in hopes of making a little extra $ to pay my student loans.

I know the job market is going to get better, but sometimes it doesn’t seem that way. Well, I hope my blog will help or cheer up someone. Have fun, because in the end we need a little levity in our lives or maybe just a distraction for a few minutes.

Thanks 4 taking the time to read this. And if you like U can send me an Email with your comments or whatever:

Have a fantastic day! & Smile it is FREE to give away!

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