Thursday, June 16, 2011

Today’s Thoughts June 16, 2011

Being unemployed doesn’t have to be all bad. You can find time to spend with your family, get things done around the house, & start new endeavors. You can also write, read, and ponder the future. I had been in college the last 9 years until this last term, where I was working on my second MA, but decided it wasn’t worth taking time away from my family any longer. First, my BA then my MA; it was an exciting time, I learned a great deal of things and met many very cool people and several have even become my very close friends.

I started this blog out of necessity, a distraction so to speak. But, I found I was saving a great deal of money in many ways and wanted to pass it along. Here are a few of the ways I am saving:

  • I drive only when necessary and make all my trips on that day or days. I don’t wonder out aimlessly wasting gas. 
  • My mother has put me on her phone plan for addition lines at ten dollars a month, no texting please, opps---sometimes.
  • I get my movies and music for free at the public library. I also spend a great deal of time at the library when it’s hot, because I have no air conditioning, and even if I did have air conditioning, I could not afford it at this time.
  • I have basic cable, for the kid’s stations mainly, at $14.00 a month, which may go soon though.
  • I do not have a home phone and my neighbor lets me piggy back off her WIFI when she is not home. So just in those few areas I have saved a great deal.. 
Well, I just wanted to tell you a little about myself and how I save. There will more to come tomorrow in Tomorrows Thoughts. Have a fantastic day and believe it or not it will get better.

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